Due JANUARY 4, 2022
A local company is franchising a new burger store… retro design, servers on roller skates, old-time fun. And it is mostly for upscale people who like to dress downtown… $30,000 Harleys and Mint Condition 68 Corvettes.
The food is big and fun, and the feature is the old-time feeling of the place.
OR – it can be a local restaurant that is automobile-themed… ‘country-styled food (either European or American) and a rustic feeling. But in both, the idea of the automobile/motorcycle is the theme.
Food and hot cars of food and hot bikes or food and upscale cars.
Your choice.
The image must fit the layout provided… and it is a landscape.
Like this… and the gray strip at the bottom is 50% transparent so you will see the image through the band of gray. The PSD has a notation of where to put the image in the layer stack.
PSD FILE (NOTE: New Layout) hellonwheels.psd zipp
Note that there is a color scheme already attached, so make sure your colors will work with all that red.
The shadow area down the middle denotes the center of the two-page spread… the cover is on the right half and the left half is the backside.
Plan this shot with complete deliberateness.
If the front wraps too far around the back, we lose what you have done, but if the image doesn’t wrap neatly the backside may have no relationship to the front.
Other than the red type on the front, there are no other typographical issues to deal with.
Here are two very well-done shots from previous student work.
JULY 2021