The assignment is deceptively simple.
Not the drug, the virtual manifestation of speed… going fast. Really fast.
The client wants something that shows how fast his in-town delivery system is, and how it can save you time because they are so fast… they have ‘speed’ on their side.
This can be a visual metaphor as well.
A Cheetah showing ‘speed’.
A bicycle racer.
A ‘rocket’ flying through space.
Bike and Motorcycle delivery service.
Local to your neighborhood/city.
Friendly drivers, modern attire.
Clean, efficient, personality-driven delivery service for creatives and professionals.
The ad will be placed in 3 local magazines, and in two regional magazines. In addition, the image will be used on Busboards and mini-billboards all over town.
You need to have an image that simply says “Speed” in a visual sense. The text will explain the context. Do not add any text to the image.
We call this a conceptual shot, and it is very important that the image ‘reads’ from a distance.
A “Grabber”.
Thinking caps on?
Go… fast.
Bidding a job like this.
First, we note that it is a local ad, and will be featured in local and ‘regional’ magazines as well as on a few bus-boards and billboards in the city (or town). That means a lot of exposure, and as well a lot of dollars committed to the exposure. Ad rates for 5 magazines alone will be from $15 – 25K per issue.
I would suggest that the fee for photography recognize the importance of this shot in conveying the message they want to convey.
- How long will it take you to do it?
I imagine from 1/2 – 2 days depending on your concept and how many variables there are. - What is the perceived value of the image?
In this case, quite a bit since they are committing HUGE amounts of money for placement and visibility. - What is the length of the run?
Will this image be running for a year or will it sunset after 6 months? - What is the arrangement with the talent?
Are they being asked to do a perpetual license, or are they getting a 6 month run with renewal rights? You can learn a lot from that. - Where are you in the pecking order of commercial photographers in your town?
Is the client looking for a ‘deal’ or are they committed to your style and confident you are the right one for the gig?
It makes a difference.
I think the range of bids across the country would be something between $2K and $20K depending on size of town, demographics and more. You are going to be in the higher rate of the scale in places like Chicago, NYC, Miami, Bay Area and LA. On the lower end in smaller towns like Bozeman, Albuquerque, and Phoenix.
This is important, so start thinking about the bidding process.
If this is a small, regional ad agency they may want additional access to the images. And they may not have large budgets for that. In large metropolises, they may indeed have access to additional funding for additional use.
This is where research comes into play. You MUST know your area, who pays what, and who charges what for similar. It is NOT easy to do, but it is vitally important.
APRIL 2021
Previous Class Gallery and Review
JULY 2019
Oh my God!