This assignment is based on the assignment David Eustace was given by US Power Gen. LINK to the article here.
You are to gain access to a manufacturing plant to spend a half day there making images that are interesting. Portraits, landscapes, still life, whatever fancies your eyes as you walk around. Of course, this will most likely be a small plant or space. Nothing like the large power plants we see in the article. Perhaps you can find a garage or a welding company. Perhaps a small textiles plant would allow you to make some photographs. Offer them the images you make. Access is worth something, so trading your images for access is certainly a worthwhile trade.
Choose a square block of your city and make the same kind of images. Details, light, color, design, and an occasional portrait would be cool. Do not OVERTHINK this assignment. Find the place, take minimal gear, look and see where you are. Be still for a few minutes and let the images reveal themselves to you.
What we want to do is to elevate the mundane to the level of art. Keeping in mind that what we are shooting may be viewed out of context is fine.
For this assignment pleaseĀ upload 4-5 images (no more than 5, no less than 4).
This is a purely aesthetic challenge this week. Something to get you out of the studio and into the world. Challenge to make interesting photos where none may exist.