PROJECT 52 requires a lot of commitment, but it offers a lot of ROI as well. Working on images that can be used in real portfolios can be hard and require lots of time.

But PROJECT 52 can also provide many other opportunities as well. Yes, we make images for commercial use, so why don’t we get creative with all the ancillary ways we can use this work to help us get established faster.

Create a Blog of Your Assignment Work

This can be a great way to keep notes, BTS shots, out-takes and other odds and ends of making these images. The blog posts can be used as a way to show potential clients how you manage your shoots, create solutions, and handle visual challenges.

I recommend Tumblr.

Behance Project

Behance is a great place to show off your project work. Add BTS, notes, and multiple takes for even more punch.

Teach a Workshop

Have you learned a lot about product photography? Volunteer to teach at a camera club, library or school. You cement what you know when you endeavor to teach it.

How Will YOU use Project 52 as Outreach?

These are a few ideas that I have seen photographers on P52 do, and succeed at.

Do you have any additional ways that you will use the work to advance your visibility?

Journal the Experience

Similar to a Tumblr blog, but offline and analog. A good journal book, some inkjet prints and spray mount. Bam – a lifelong teaching tool for all you are doing in this class.

Meet Real Clients

If you need to photograph a chef, find and meet a real chef and trade out some images. Need a musician, find one needing photographs. By the end of the project, you will be working for a lot of clients you met along the way. I know, I’ve seen it done in P52 before.

Detail Your Work on Facebook / Instagram

Build a following by posting your work, what you did, how you managed the shoot, and what you learned from it. Sharing knowledge and fun will always be a positive part of the experience.