Every year we get those “What will happen in the upcoming year” and this year is no exception. Well, the exception is you are involved in the art work.

“2017; A Year of Change” is the title of the story.

Use your favorite genre to give context to the story. If you are a food shooter, make the illustration about food. If you are a people shooter, the image will be a person (or 2). If you are product oriented, then focus on the widgets and products that are being ushered in now.

YOU choose the magazine / story to illustrate: Science, Food, Tech, Fashion, or Business. The story involves some cool innovations coming down in the first few months of the year. Ideas and approaches that may ‘revolutionize’ something within that genre and you are going to illustrate THAT. This is a positive, upbeat article – let the image reflect that.

In other words, YOU will explain your shot when you discuss it at Webinar Review.

I am purposely making this assignment rather easy to produce, although I do think you must spend some time doing research on what your context is.

Black and White / Color / Filtered…. whatever makes the image rock.