(Note: this is indeed the same assignment as the other group. We will be moving them closer together as we morph into the new Project 52… and it is going to rock.)

Sounds like something we photographers say… “Don’t shoot all your images on one card…”

It means the same thing. Have more than one place to store and keep what is valuable to you in case the first place is faulty.

The basket breaks or the card gets lost.

This image is for the cover of a children’s book of the same name. A series of books teaching kids what these old sayings mean. Short on words, heavy on visuals, the books are designed to appeal to 6-10 year olds.

COVER SHOT… means it has to rock.

You will probably be doing this with some eggs, so be aware. And think outside the… uh… carton for this image. A basket of eggs is not gonna cut it, nor is a dozen eggs in a carton.

PLEASE… you want to establish the shot, the meaning of the shot, and illustrate the old saying with one image.

Yes, it can be conceptual. Yes, it can be still life. Yes, it can have a model in it (child, most likely).