Hey there Hiatustographers.

I am going to be announcing some changes on Lighting Essentials and Project 52 for 2017. I hope everyone is having a great holiday.

This info is for P52 and P52 Advanced both:

  1. I want to start evaluating images for the Lighting Essentials site, and I want to use your images as a teaching tool. No rough stuff, and no humiliation. A good and well crafted critique on what worked, what didn’t, and possible ways to do it to make it better.IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE YOUR IMAGES REVIEWED… Please let me know so I can get a list going. And that is totally fine with me. I may do one a week, or I may do one per day… depends on the educational possibilities of the images we are reviewing. If you do not wish to participate, please drop me a note here.
  2. I want to start featuring your images on something more substantial… an ezine or something along those lines. Thinking something like the top 30 images from the month in an image per page PDF. I need your thoughts, please. All contact information for the participants will be included in the mag, and you are free to grab it and sent it to anyone on your list.
  3. I would like to have you all submit behind the scenes shots of your images starting in January. An iPhone or Android or P&S or even the camera pulled back wide. Let’s see those setups. Title it like your submission, just append it with the next number in your series.

I am still thinking about how we can be more of a service to bloggers and such by giving images to them to use. This would also be voluntary for each of you, and I hope it would garner a lot of interest in the photographers here. Giving a few images away in order to garner a lot more viewers for your work would be a great tradeoff. You must have a website to participate, and I am working on the final pitch to make sure it makes sense for everyone involved. Have some ideas? Let me know.

OK- back to the regularly scheduled hiatus.